Tips for better dreaming / How to have a lucky first dream

Tips for better dreaming How to have a lucky first dream
Tips for better dreaming How to have a lucky first dream

Dreams that are considered to be out of control by yourself, such as “I’ve been having good dreams lately” and “I’m not feeling well because I’m having bad dreams”. However, in fact, it is believed that there is a trick to dreaming what you want to see. This time, I will introduce how to see a dream that is easy and you want to try from tonight. It is also important to adjust your lifestyle as much as possible.

Table of Contents

Poor dreaming, good dreaming… What is the mechanism of dreaming in the first place?

The things you know, experience, and think about while you are awake are stored in your brain as memories while you are asleep. The image that naturally appears in the brain at this time is what is recognized as a “dream”. Therefore, all dreams are made from the material that you obtain while you are awake.

And among knowledge and experience, there are materials that are easy to dream about. It seems that people tend to see things that they are strongly fixated on and constantly think about or see as dreams. Also, the more things you see or hear just before you fall asleep, the more likely they are to appear in your dreams.

How to dream what you want? Prepare to dream better

Here are some ways to make the dreams you want come true. ■Believe strongly that

you want to dream about XX!
Instead of saying, “I wish I could dream about it,” try to have a strong will to dream, saying, “I’m definitely going to have that dream tonight!” The strength of your will is the key to dreaming what you want.

■Draw a picture of the dream you want to see on paper/Prepare a photo
Next, write down the content of the dream you want to have on a piece of paper. Images are easier to remember than text, so use pictures as much as possible. Or you could use a specific photo. If you can’t draw or take pictures yourself, you can get them from magazines or the internet. If you want to dream of an elegant life at a resort, get a photo of the resort, and if you want someone you like to appear in your dreams, get a photo of that person.

■Make your own ritual
Then, create your own ritual to remember what you want to see in your dreams. This is called “anchoring” in psychology. It exploits the fact that certain stimuli to the five senses trigger specific emotions and reactions.

For example, if you always listen to certain music or smell certain scents when you see an image of something you want to dream about, you will be more likely to recall the image when you come in contact with that music or scent during sleep. Once you’ve linked your stimuli and images tightly, let the scent waft into your bedroom as you go to sleep, or play soft music.

the picture (image) you prepared under your pillow Place the picture (image) you prepared before going to sleep under your pillow. Having the material of your dreams close by will increase your sense of security. Also, the things you saw just before you fell asleep are particularly easy to dream about, so you can kill two birds with one stone. All that’s left is to sleep soundly.

Read Aslo: How long did you sleep the night before the exam? Hold down the tips for good sleep and wake up and pass rate UP!

It is also important to review your lifestyle to improve your dreams

Also, in order to have good dreams, you need to get good quality sleep. However, poor lifestyle habits can lead to poor sleep quality. The lifestyle habits that I want to pay particular attention to are light and diet .

Humans are “diurnal” animals that are active when it is bright. The basic lifestyle is to wake up when the sun rises and become bright, to be active during the day, and to sleep when it gets dark at night. Therefore, you can wake up with plenty of light in the morning and spend the night in a dark place so that you can sleep soundly.

On the other hand, if you stay in a brightly lit room for a long time at night, your sleep hormone, melatonin, will decrease, making it difficult for you to fall asleep and sleep lightly. A few hours before bedtime, dim the lights a bit or switch to warmer colors.

Also, do not look at screens such as TVs, computers, game consoles, smartphones, etc. for 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to sleep . This is because the screens of these electronic media emit a lot of blue light, called “blue light”, which depletes melatonin.

Also watch your diet. If your stomach is full just before you go to sleep, your gastrointestinal body clock will not be able to rest, so sleep tends to be shallow. Try to finish your dinner 2-3 hours before you go to sleep . If it’s late and you can’t sleep because you’re hungry, you can eat small amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Arrange your bedroom environment for better dreaming

The bedroom environment is also important for a good night’s sleep. It is said that the room temperature

that makes it easy to sleep is 16 to 26 degrees . Try to keep the temperature above 15 degrees even in winter. When you enter a cold bedroom from a warm living room, your sympathetic nerves are stimulated and you wake up. It is recommended that you warm up your bedroom with an air conditioner, etc., about 30 minutes before you plan to sleep.

Humidity is also important. The ideal bedroom humidity is around 50% . If you use an air conditioner in winter, the humidity may drop below 30%. Conversely, during the rainy season and summer, it can exceed 80%. While checking with a hygrometer, use a humidifier, dehumidifier, air conditioner, etc. to adjust the humidity.

Sleep-friendly brightness varies slightly from person to person. If you don’t mind the dark , sleep in complete darkness. If you’re worried about pitch blackness, you can sleep with a small light bulb on. If you make it brighter than that, it will adversely affect your sleep, so be careful. It is recommended that

the sound level in the bedroom be no more than 40 decibels . 40 decibels is about as quiet as a library. If you hear the air conditioner, it may be a little over 40 decibels. If you’re worried about the noise around you, put on earplugs or earmuffs, or change the curtains to thicker ones.

Prepare for the dream you want to have, review your lifestyle, and arrange your bedroom environment. After that, all that’s left is to sleep. Hope you have good dreams tonight and good night!